Masters Degree in Physical Therapy - Temple University, 1995
BS Degree in Mechanical Engineering - University of Maryland, 1987
Physical Therapist at Coordinated Health, Allentown, PA since 1995
Clinical Team Leader since 1998
How many physical therapists do you know who have worked at the same place for 25 years? Why so long? Because I learn something every day by working side by side with doctors. I watch our surgeons operate. I sit with radiologists as they read MRIs. If there is an issue or question, I go find the doctor or they come find me. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing, and we all learn from each other.
If you think you need physical therapy, it is very important that you see a doctor first to avoid dangerous medical complications such as you suing me. If you don't know what kind of doctor to see or where to start, e-mail me!
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